Charter Colony 🌎 Day Shredding & Recycle ♻️

My 2nd annual shred day was a huge success! Shredders had 3x the weight as last year. Electronics recycled were of great quality for rehabbing and metal junk was an entire dumpster! We gave away new flags and collected old ones. Had medicine destruction kits too. Over 100 cars drove thru the line!!

We had 6 middle school kids get community service and I got them T-shirts like last year!


Evergreen Earth Day 🌏 2018

Again I just love teaching the elementary students. Although 5th grade does get loud! Following directions is crazy! But they loved their newspaper recycling project. Plantable Earth Day supporter bracelets.

2 classrooms. I’m pooped after this. Don’t know how the teachers do it.

🐣 Easter 2018 🐰

Easter Bunny came to our house with chocolate on his mind! I told Mike no peeps for me this year but the bunny still brought me a new chocolate covered one!

Mike immediately ripped apart his basket hidden in plain view on the table.

And I must include the gorgeous hydrangea plant my dear friend the community manager brought me after the spring fling event which I help sponsor every year. I did the bunny photos this year.

Me with 2 of the Tiller girls.